Werner Bohleber, Dr. phil, psychoanalyst in private practice in Frankfurt/Germany. Training and Supervising Analyst, former President of the German Psychoanalytical Association and now Vice-president. Member of the Board of Representatives of the International Psychoanalytical Association. Editor of the German psychoanalytical journal PSYCHE. Author of several books and numerous articles. His main research subjects are trauma; adolescence and identity formation; investigation of Nationalsocialism; xenophobia and antisemitism. He is particularly interested in investigating the unconscious phantasmatic world of antisemitism. On this background he also studied unconscious phantasies in the islamistic fundamentalism after September 11. His paper on this subject is published in German and in English (In: Varvin&Volkan(Eds.): Violence or Dialogue? Psychoanalytic Insights on Terror and Terrorism. London International Psychonalytic Association) 2003). He is a member of the IPA working group on terror and terrorism.