Andreas Hamburger


Andreas Hamburger, born in Munich/Germany in 1954, studied German Literature, History, Social Science, Philosophy and Psychology at the universities of Basel/Switzerland, Vienna/Austria and Munich/Germany and completed his studies at Munich University by 1978 with a high school teachers exam and 1982 with the Diploma in Psychology, followed in 1987 by a distinguished doctoral thesis on children’s dreams. In 2005 he achieved his senior researchers degree (Habilitation) at Kassel University.

He works as a psychoanalyst (DPG), training analyst and supervisor in Munich, senior lecturer and visiting professor for psychoanalytic psychology at Kassel University and research fellow at the Sigmund-Freud-Institute Frankfurt/M./Germany.

Prior research and publications on children’s dreams, language development, marital relationships, interactional microanalysis of suspense dramaturgy in literature, drama and film. Current research interests focus on developmental trauma and videotestimony evaluation.
